Remembrance of Deceased Dogs

The loss of a beloved dog is a painful moment that leaves deep sorrow and emptiness. A keepsake that preserves the memories of your loyal companion can be a valuable source of comfort during this difficult time. Mevisto offers a unique way to keep the memory of your departed dog alive: gemstones crafted from the ashes or hair/fur of your cherished four-legged friend.

How a Gemstone Can Help with Grief

A keepsake for a deceased dog can play an important role in coping with grief. A gemstone crafted from your dog's ashes or hair symbolizes the lasting bond you share. This physical remembrance can bring comfort and provide the feeling that your loyal friend is still with you. Your beloved pet lives on not only in your memories but also within the gemstone.

Emotional Significance: The gemstone is not just a special piece of jewelry but also a deeply personal memento. It helps preserve shared moments and transform grief into a loving memory.

Uniqueness: Since each gemstone is individually crafted from your dog's remains, it is truly one of a kind. This uniqueness makes it an especially precious keepsake.

Constant Companion: With the gemstone, you can symbolically keep your dog with you at all times. Whether as a ring, necklace, or pendant – the stone is a constant companion, offering comfort in difficult moments.


To the gemstones


Pascal Shares About His Dog Kurt ...


“He was a family member, a friend, a wingman, a partner in crime – everything you imagine in a loyal companion.” When Pascal talks about his Kurti, his eyes begin to shine.


Read the full story 


From Idea to Finished Product:

The journey to a personal keepsake begins with a detailed consultation at Mevisto. Here, the entire process is explained, and you can decide whether to use ashes, hair, or fur. Once you have chosen the material, it is carefully processed.


  1. Finding the Right Partner: Mevisto collaborates with pet funeral homes, crematoriums, and other industry service providers. An experienced pet undertaker is well-informed and can guide you through the process seamlessly. Simply talk to them about your wish for a gemstone made from your dog’s ashes.
  1. Ordering Directly from Mevisto: Do you already have your pet’s ashes at home or a keepsake of their fur/hair? Contact us by phone or use our Mevisto online shop to order a completely personalized piece of jewelry.

  2. Material Collection: Send a small amount of ashes or a few hairs of your dog to Mevisto. Just 50 grams of ashes or 10 grams of fur/hair are enough to create a unique gemstone. This means a gemstone can also be made even after a pet’s burial.

  3. The Manufacturing Process: Through a complex chemical process, elements from the ashes or hair are extracted. These are then transformed into a gemstone using a specialized high-temperature method. The entire manufacturing process takes approximately 30 working days.

  4. The Finished Gemstone: The end product is a one-of-a-kind gemstone that carries the essence of your dog (scientifically proven). Each stone is unique, varying in color and shape depending on the elements present in the ashes or hair.

  5. Delivery and Further Processing: Once your pet’s gemstone is complete, it will be securely shipped to you. You can wear it as a piece of jewelry or incorporate it into another form of remembrance that you can always keep close to you.

Pearl with Soul or Gemstone from Ashes

Both remembrance products help create a tangible memory of your soul dog. The Pearl with Soul stands out for its simplicity in the personalization process as well as its quick availability. It is just as meaningful as other keepsakes, such as ash pendants or an actual paw print of your dog. In fact, the personalization of the ceramic pearl is globally unique.



A gemstone from Mevisto or jewelry made from your beloved pet’s ashes is more than just a keepsake. It is a lasting tribute to the unique bond you shared with your dog. Through this gemstone, you can stay close to your departed companion in a special way. In times of grief, it can serve as a source of strength and comfort—a symbol of love and the unforgettable moments you shared with your loyal friend.

If you are interested in such a gemstone, you can contact Mevisto directly. The Mevisto team will provide comprehensive guidance and support you throughout the entire process. This highly personal service ensures that you receive a keepsake that truly reflects your wishes and memories.

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