Why cuddling is good for you, healthy and strengthens your immune system
The goodnight kiss from a child, a loving hug from your best friend, or hours of cuddling with your partner – touches like these have one thing in common: they make us feel good. And this is confirmed by numerous studies. They suggest that we often feel particularly energized, alive, but also safe and connected afterward. Furthermore, cuddling is said to be healthy and to strengthen the immune system. But what is the truth behind this story? And why do we crave touch and why do most of us love to cuddle? We're getting to the bottom of it.
Touch is part of our communication
Even though more and more single-person households are emerging, single mothers are no longer uncommon, and singles now make up 30% of the Austrian population – the fact is: humans are social beings. This means we want to interact with others, communicate with them, and exchange ideas. Whether it's a random conversation with strangers while waiting for the bus, a humorous gathering with friends, or a profound dialogue with a loved one.
And touching is also a form of communication. Intimate hugs, a kiss on the forehead, or a pat on the shoulder from close people can express affection, security, appreciation, or even love. This physical contact accompanies us from an early age, as the sense of touch develops in the embryonic stage.
Humans are herd animals
Besides, we humans are herd animals. That means: We want to be part of a community. And not only words, but also actions, such as touch, give us the certainty that we actually are. And all this has supposedly been the case for thousands of years.
For example, the Bochum biopsychologist Sebastian Ocklenburg points out that people probably hugged each other as early as the Neolithic period. Evidence for this is the Valdaro burial find. In this northern Italian village, the remains of two people were discovered who were buried in a close embrace at least 5,000 years ago.

A flood of hormones
Our social matrix is one thing, but we also love the flood of hormones that overwhelms us when we hug or cuddle. Special nerve cells come into play here, which are specialized in caresses, the so-called C-tactile nerve cells. They relay every touch to the brain, triggering the release of hormones.
It starts with oxytocin, which is released after just a 20-second hug. It produces positive feelings, combats the stress hormone cortisol, reduces anxiety, and strengthens feelings of trust and bonding.
No wonder it is also called the "bonding hormone" or "cuddle hormone." Two other happiness hormones are added: serotonin and dopamine. While serotonin has been proven to improve mood and reduce feelings of anxiety, dopamine is considered the "drive hormone" and enhances inner drive and motivation.

Cuddling strengthens the immune system.
Cuddling is also healthy because, overall, it lowers blood pressure and heart rate and helps us breathe more calmly. This can also explain why cuddling can strengthen the immune system and have positive effects on the heart and pain. In summary, it can be said: The entire organism benefits from a soothing touch.
Research also confirms: Hugs can help protect against illnesses. Because those who are hugged ideally feel trust and affection or feel comforted and safe. All of this is good for the psyche—and thus also for the body.
However, that's not all: Certain massages have been proven to help cancer patients cope with depression and reduce anxiety. And the good news for singles: Stroking and cuddling with a pet can also release oxytocin.
Other pleasant sensory experiences can also increase oxytocin levels, such as delicious food, pleasant music, conversations with loved ones, giving compliments, doing a good deed, meditation, or other self-care routines.

Thanking your loved one for the cuddles
Those who experience affection can consider themselves fortunate—but particularly in long-term relationships, we eventually take much of it for granted. This is reason enough to pause now and then and thank your loved one for the appreciation, love, and cuddles. One way to do this is with our special Mevisto jewelry pieces.
These are shimmering rubies or sapphires that carry the essence of your partner. At Mevisto, we have developed a special process for this: First, we extract biogenic material from 10 grams of hair, then we use it to grow gemstones. For the perfect cut and ideal execution, we work with local goldsmiths. This is how unique jewels are created.