ROSENGARTEN stars: Why we support this mourning portal

Creating a digital memorial platform specifically for pet owners—that was the vision of the German company ROSENGARTEN GmbH, a funeral service provider with locations and partner businesses in other countries, including Austria. This plan became a reality in 2006, and today, it has evolved into the ROSENGARTEN-Sterne portal. We at Mevisto support this platform and would like to share more about it.

From traditional guestbook to digital mourning portal

Let's travel back to 2006. The new Berlin Central Station opens, Italy wins the FIFA World Cup, and Austria celebrates the Year of Mozart. It was also the year that the German company ROSENGARTEN GmbH, a pet funeral service, had a vision: to create a digital memorial portal for pet owners.

This portal was intended as a modern extension of the traditional guestbook that had been available at the company’s headquarters and frequently used. As early as 2004, they began transferring entries from this guestbook to their website to provide grieving pet owners with a permanent space for their thoughts.

Over the years, this evolved into the ROSENGARTEN-Sterne portal, which allows pet owners to create lasting memorial pages for their beloved companions and share them with like-minded individuals. Preserving the memory of cherished pets is also a heartfelt mission for us at Mevisto.

Owner Daniela Reiter explains: “Grief is not only significant when we lose a loved one—it is also an often underestimated experience when we lose a beloved pet. That’s why it is important to us to support ROSENGARTEN-Sterne.”

Rosengarten stars: How it works

On ROSENGARTEN-Sterne, pet owners can easily create personalized memorial pages without the need for registration. Unique details about their pets—such as name, breed, birthdate, photos, and personal messages—can be preserved both in writing and visually, allowing cherished memories to be shared and passed on.

Other visitors can view and share these profiles, as well as leave a digital rose as a gesture of sympathy.

ROSENGARTEN-Sterne serves as a special place of remembrance, offering pet owners a supportive community where they can find comfort and share their grief.

Heroes commemorated for special supporters

In addition to personalized memorial pages for pets, ROSENGARTEN-Sterne offers a special section called “Hero Remembrance.” This space honors animals that have served as “silent heroes of everyday life,” providing exceptional support and companionship to people. These include service animals and rescue dogs whose dedication enriches or even saves lives.

Famous stories of extraordinary animals also have a place here, such as that of the loyal dog Hachiko, who waited daily for years for his deceased owner’s return, becoming a symbol of unwavering devotion.

Physical Memorial Items as a Complement

As a complement to its digital offerings, ROSENGARTEN-Sterne provides a selection of physical remembrance items, including the ROSENGARTEN-Sterne Memorial Book, lovingly designed by its staff.

This book offers ample space for personalization: pet owners can add photos, store small keepsakes, and write down personal thoughts. An integrated pocket allows for the safe storage of mementos such as fur strands, feathers, or pet tags.

The Rosengarten-Sterne Memorial Initiative

Twice a year, at Christmas and Easter, ROSENGARTEN-Sterne organizes a special memorial initiative, allowing pet owners to honor their departed companions while supporting a good cause. During these periods, proceeds from personalized memorial items are donated to the ROSENGARTEN Foundation.

The foundation supports the training of assistance dogs that help individuals with special needs in their daily lives.

Our unique gemstones

Wir von Mevisto ermöglichen Trauernden eine weitere besondere Form der Erinnerung: Wir stellen personalisierte Edelsteine und Schmuckstücke her, gefertigt aus Haar oder Asche des verstorbenen Tieres.

Durch ein speziell entwickeltes Verfahren wird so ein einzigartiges Erinnerungsstück geschaffen, das die Essenz des geliebten Tieres in sich trägt. Diese Edelsteine und Schmuckstücke sind somit weitaus mehr als „nur“ Andenken – sie symbolisieren tiefe Verbundenheit. 

Schmuckstück als Ausdruck der eigenen Liebe

Mit offenen oder geschlossenen Augen, lange und liebevoll oder kurz und intensiv – die Art, wie wir uns küssen, hängt mit unseren eigenen Vorlieben und jenen unseres Gegenübers zusammen. Und oft ist die Sehnsucht bis zum nächsten Kuss groß. Eine Möglichkeit, den Herzensmenschen immer bei sich zu tragen und damit auch die eigene Liebe ihm oder ihr gegenüber auszudrücken, sind unsere Mevisto-Schmuckstücke. Hierfür benötigen wir lediglich 10 Gramm Haar und aufgrund unserer engen Zusammenarbeit mit Goldschmieden können wir Ihnen in puncto Ausführung und Schliff jeden Sonderwunsch erfüllen – egal, ob Sie sich für einen Ring oder einen Edelstein samt Kette entscheiden.