Mourning the deceased dog: Pascal talks about his Kurti ...

... and why he chose a Mevisto gemstone:

"He was a family member, a friend, a wingman, a partner in crime – everything you imagine in a loyal companion." When Pascal talks about his Kurti, his eyes begin to shine. And his heart is flooded with memories. These are reminiscences of moments full of love. Touching reflections on a true soul dog. But also wistful thoughts of a friend who is no longer here. Because Kurti passed away two years ago. And with that, not only did Pascal's world darken, but his environment also reacted ambivalently to the deep grief over the deceased dog.

But even though Kurti no longer races through the fields, he lives on in memories – and in the form of a special piece of jewelry. Because we at Mevisto were able to create a memento from the dog's hair.

"Pascal's stories touched me deeply. For me too, a pet is much more than 'just' an animal – it is a family member. Therefore, I could understand and empathize with Pascal," says Mevisto owner Daniela Reiter. And seeing how the grief over a beloved animal can even change relationships, because many people cannot comprehend how strong this grief can be, touches us at Mevisto to this day.

We know: It is often difficult in our society to talk about this grief over a deceased dog – and that is exactly why we are sharing this story.

A protector as described in books

Kurt von Oldenburg – that was his full name. But Pascal liked to simply call his soul dog "Kurti." Their paths crossed many years ago – through a fateful coincidence.

The former police dog quickly became an indispensable family member. Over the following 16 years, this bond between human and animal intensified.

Pascal recalls: "Kurti was more than just a pet, he was my mirror image, a being full of unconditional love and understanding. Our bond was deep and unique. Kurti was a strong character, a protector, but at the same time sensitive."

Saying goodbye on Sylt

But eventually, Kurti's days seemed numbered. And it was time to say goodbye to him. For this, Pascal chose a magical place where he had already experienced some unforgettable moments with Kurti: the German island of Sylt.

"In fact, the happiest moment of my life was when I got Kurti. And the worst was when he left," says Pascal.

Coming to terms with the loss and grief of the deceased dog turned out to be the hardest task Pascal had faced in his 41 years of life. He slid into depression and barely dared to talk about his emotions – also because his environment reacted very differently.

"Some could handle it quite well, others not at all. In any case, I felt that no one could really help me. Still, talking about it and pulling myself out of this grief was the hardest part. But now I am stronger for the experience, which helps me to reorganize my life," he says.

Kurti and Mevisto

Once again, it was chance that finally led Pascal to Mevisto – he came across our site on the internet and immediately liked the idea. A short time later, he dialed the number, drove 800 kilometers by car to see our memorial pieces in person, and didn't hesitate for a second.

Four weeks later, he held the white gold necklace with the blue gemstone in his hands for the first time – that crystal with the essence of his deceased dog.

The decision for a memento of his beloved soul dog was, for him, an act of love and remembrance. He says: "It was clear that Kurti would become a gemstone. Originally, I thought of a memorial diamond, but the process didn't seem logical to me. Mevisto with sapphires and rubies seemed more credible to me."

A new chapter begins

In the meantime, the gemstone of his deceased dog has become indispensable for Pascal.

"Having something tangible is very important to me – it has helped me a lot and still helps me. Touching the necklace and thinking of Kurti, recalling the adventures we had, and reliving all of that – it just feels good. When I remember Kurti now, I still feel sadness that sometimes comes over me unexpectedly. But then there is also gratitude. I know that his love and legacy will always live on in me. Two years may have passed since then, but the pain is still present. Yet with each day, I find a little more peace and hope in the memories of Kurti," says Pascal.

Meanwhile, he also has a new four-legged companion: Archie. Initially, this was supposed to be a sort of replacement for Kurti, but Pascal quickly realized that no one could ever take Kurti's place. And yet, Archie is also a loyal friend and companion.

And who knows what adventures now await the two of them. In the big, wide world.

Humanity is our most valuable asset

In the meantime, Pascal is no longer just a customer, but a friend. And we are very happy to be part of this story.

We also hope to sow a bit more understanding. Understanding for when someone is not feeling well. And understanding that it is allowed and good to express one's pain.

Because only if we as a society rediscover our humanity, will we be able to perceive each other – and that makes us strong. Strong on an emotional level.

Schmuckstück als Ausdruck der eigenen Liebe

Mit offenen oder geschlossenen Augen, lange und liebevoll oder kurz und intensiv – die Art, wie wir uns küssen, hängt mit unseren eigenen Vorlieben und jenen unseres Gegenübers zusammen. Und oft ist die Sehnsucht bis zum nächsten Kuss groß. Eine Möglichkeit, den Herzensmenschen immer bei sich zu tragen und damit auch die eigene Liebe ihm oder ihr gegenüber auszudrücken, sind unsere Mevisto-Schmuckstücke. Hierfür benötigen wir lediglich 10 Gramm Haar und aufgrund unserer engen Zusammenarbeit mit Goldschmieden können wir Ihnen in puncto Ausführung und Schliff jeden Sonderwunsch erfüllen – egal, ob Sie sich für einen Ring oder einen Edelstein samt Kette entscheiden.