Memory diamond or gemstone from Mevisto: the differences & why we deliberately make sapphires and rubies from ash

They sparkle, they fascinate, they captivate. We’re talking about gemstones like diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and others. Only a few of them can be made from hair or ashes and then serve as a memorial stone that connects us with our loved ones – even after they have passed away. Such pieces of jewelry are becoming increasingly popular.

However, those considering having such a keepsake made face a decision: a memorial diamond or a memorial gemstone made from ashes? What are the differences, and why do we at Mevisto consciously create sapphires and rubies instead of diamonds? We will answer all of this in this blog post. 

Synthetically produced gemstones

Let’s start with the hard facts: Both diamonds and sapphires, as well as rubies, are classified as minerals. One person who extensively studied them was Friedrich Mohs. He developed the Mohs hardness scale, which categorizes minerals based on their hardness. Sapphires and rubies, which belong to the corundum category, rank ninth on the scale, while diamonds occupy the tenth spot. This makes diamonds one of the hardest materials. Along with emeralds, which have a hardness rating between seven and eight, they are among the most well-known gemstones.

So, what can be said about sapphires, rubies, or diamonds made from ashes? Are they real gemstones? The answer is: yes! The only difference is that they are not naturally occurring but synthetically produced. Given the current discussions surrounding sustainability, this aspect is becoming increasingly important. Now, let’s take a closer look at both options. 

A portrait of sapphires and rubies from ash

A corundum primarily consists of aluminum oxide, which then crystallizes into either a sapphire or a ruby. Both share the same crystal structure and differ only in color: while rubies exclusively shine in red, sapphires can sparkle in deep blue, green, pink, violet, and even yellow. These colors result from different elements. Sapphires are particularly fascinating due to their unique inclusions, which sometimes lead to striking patterns.

There are various methods for producing corundum. We use the Verneuil process, in which a crystal is formed within a day at temperatures exceeding 2,000 degrees Celsius. 

  • Delivery time: To create a personalized sapphire or ruby from Mevisto, we require a total of 30 working days, and 50 for jewelry. Depending on workload, delivery times may vary slightly.
  • How much ash or hair is needed? We need 50 g of ash or 10 g of hair. From this, we can create gemstones of up to 12 carats.
  • Is there a guarantee that the elements from the ash or hair are truly present in the gemstone? Yes, as Mevisto is certified and places great importance on proper handling and documentation. Through close collaboration with university institutions and scientific validation, we can ensure that multiple elements from the biogenic material are contained within the gemstone. Our employees are deeply dedicated to their work – and as some of them have personally experienced loss, integrity remains one of our most essential values. We are also committed to continuous improvement and appreciate any feedback.


A portrait of memory diamonds made of ash

A diamond consists of a carbon structure, and four key parameters, known as the "4 Cs," determine its quality: Carat (weight), Color, Clarity, and Cut. The purer the gemstone, the higher its value. Carat is simply a unit of weight, equivalent to 0.2 grams.

However, be aware: since a sapphire is heavier than a diamond, a sapphire with the same carat weight will be slightly smaller when cut to a standard shape. Therefore, when selecting a gemstone for a piece of jewelry, it is advisable to specify dimensions in millimeters rather than carats.

For the synthetic production of diamonds, graphite serves as the base material, requiring significant pressure and time. One major difference between a memorial diamond and a memorial gemstone made from ashes is the production process—creating a diamond can take several weeks. Additionally, it is not always predictable whether the final result will be a diamond suitable for jewelry, as the conditions must be perfectly aligned.

However, natural diamond deposits are dwindling, and mining has a negative environmental impact, making synthetic alternatives more acceptable. Moreover, diamond synthesis plays a crucial role in industrial applications, as this hard material is indispensable for drill bits and other tools.

  • Delivery time: Producing a diamond from ashes takes several months.
  • How much ash or hair is needed? 250 g of ash or more, or 5–10 g of hair.
  • Is there a guarantee that the elements from the ash or hair are truly present in the gemstone? We lack specific data on this, but some companies offer notarized certifications.
  • Which elements are present in the diamond? Carbon.



Why we produce sapphires and rubies instead of diamonds

So, we’ve clarified the differences between diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. Now, one question remains: Why do we not produce diamonds but instead focus on sapphires and rubies? Well, when our company journey began, we initially explored synthetic diamond production.

Since carbon primarily burns off during cremation and a diamond made from ashes is indistinguishable from a synthetic diamond (as both are composed of 100% carbon), we continued our research. That wasn’t enough for us. This led us to corundum—sapphires and rubies. Here, we are able to incorporate up to 12 elements from ashes or hair into the gemstone in a measurable and verifiable way—this is what truly matters to us.

This can be proven through an analytical process. Scientifically confirmed, not only are the elements present in the stone, but each memorial gemstone is also one of a kind. The composition is unique, and even the color of the gemstones varies.

In concrete terms, this means that while Mevisto customers can choose between the base tones of red, blue, or natural, we cannot predict the exact color intensity or inclusions. The elemental composition varies due to the individuality of each living being.

more about the process

Precaution is important

Whether a memorial diamond or a memorial gemstone made from ashes—it ultimately remains a personal choice. However, we are always delighted when you choose our sapphires and rubies.

By the way, if you are already considering pre-arrangements and wish to leave a gemstone containing your essence for your loved ones, it is essential to establish a declaration of intent or take out an insurance policy. It is important to specify that this should not be a memorial diamond. Instead, the term “gemstone” should be used, or you may even explicitly mention our company name.

Schmuckstück als Ausdruck der eigenen Liebe

Mit offenen oder geschlossenen Augen, lange und liebevoll oder kurz und intensiv – die Art, wie wir uns küssen, hängt mit unseren eigenen Vorlieben und jenen unseres Gegenübers zusammen. Und oft ist die Sehnsucht bis zum nächsten Kuss groß. Eine Möglichkeit, den Herzensmenschen immer bei sich zu tragen und damit auch die eigene Liebe ihm oder ihr gegenüber auszudrücken, sind unsere Mevisto-Schmuckstücke. Hierfür benötigen wir lediglich 10 Gramm Haar und aufgrund unserer engen Zusammenarbeit mit Goldschmieden können wir Ihnen in puncto Ausführung und Schliff jeden Sonderwunsch erfüllen – egal, ob Sie sich für einen Ring oder einen Edelstein samt Kette entscheiden.