Grieving for a partner: the story of Claudi and her sapphire from hair

"I used to be called Liebscher," Claudia shares, "but that changed. Now, I carry the name Pippinger—the name of my partner, Leo." However, it wasn’t through marriage that she took his name. Leo passed away suddenly 1.5 years ago.

What happened next is a testament to extraordinary kindness: Leo’s parents adopted "Claudi." Partly to keep Leo’s name alive, but also to show her that she had long been a part of their family. A deeply moving story that continues to touch us—one of love and loss, connection and sorrow, moments of hope, and profound grief for a life partner. That is the heart of this blog post. Let’s start from the very beginning.

Sport as a mediator

Claudia Pippinger—then still known as Libscher—was born in Dresden and later spent many years living in Berlin. Her greatest passion: competitive bodybuilding. And it was this very passion that led to her crossing paths with Leo—at a competition.

She recalls, "We met through our shared love for the sport. I was an athlete, and he was responsible for tanning—the perfect presentation of the competitors." Even then, there was a mutual connection, and after five years, they finally became a couple, embarking on a journey through life together.

From Athlete to Funeral Director

Claudia worked for many years as a fitness trainer and gym manager, but by chance, as she puts it, she became a funeral director a few years ago. "It was unexpected and a bit unusual given my athletic appearance, but I’ve stayed in this profession ever since."

This career shift also led her to Mevisto. The idea of creating gemstones from ashes or hair fascinated both her and her grieving clients, sparking a valuable collaboration. Her easygoing partner, Leo, was equally thrilled when he first learned about Mevisto. "Back then, we joked: When we’re old and frail, we’ll have gemstones made from ourselves so we can always be together," she recalls.

Little did Claudia—or anyone around her—know that this moment would come much sooner than expected.

When Leo left forever

August 2022 changed everything: Leo fell ill. At first, it was just extreme fatigue, but soon Claudia realized that something was seriously wrong. One day, she called emergency services—Leo slipped into a coma, and for Claudia, a race against time began. Doctors fought for his life, but ultimately, their efforts were in vain.

"When the hospital finally called, I already knew what the doctors were going to tell me," Claudia recalls. Her world collapsed like a house of cards. The man she loved was suddenly gone. And with him, the dreams they had planned to fulfill together. "We wanted to start our own business, we wanted children," Claudia shares.

The Sparkling Sapphire from Hair

And so she found herself in a summer that no longer felt like summer. "It was hard to just keep going, but I had to," she says now. Back then, she switched into "work mode." As if on autopilot, she checked off the many tasks on her to-do list: retrieval, wake, urn interment.

She wanted everything to be perfect—Leo deserved a special final tribute. That’s why she had a Mevisto gemstone made from his hair, just as they had always planned. The sapphire from his hair shines in a rare salmon hue—an exceptionally unique shade.

Claudia Pippinger trägt ihren Schatz am Herzen

A stone that gives courage

"It was a difficult time, but I found comfort in knowing that Leo is still with me. His gemstone, the sapphire, is a symbol of our love—something I will always carry with me," she shares.

And it helps her stay strong, even when times are tough. During his lifetime, Claudia always supported Leo in overcoming his fears—and now, that strength lives on in this gemstone. After facing difficult situations, she often touches the sapphire made from his hair and says out loud, "Honey, I did it—and you were with me!"

In the grieving process after losing a partner, she believes it is important to allow oneself to be sad. But it is also okay to laugh. And love should never be banished from life. "As I continue moving forward, step by step, I carry him with me. Together, we see the world."

Her experience in video form (only in German):


Claudia Pippinger erzählt ihre Geschichte

Schmuckstück als Ausdruck der eigenen Liebe

Mit offenen oder geschlossenen Augen, lange und liebevoll oder kurz und intensiv – die Art, wie wir uns küssen, hängt mit unseren eigenen Vorlieben und jenen unseres Gegenübers zusammen. Und oft ist die Sehnsucht bis zum nächsten Kuss groß. Eine Möglichkeit, den Herzensmenschen immer bei sich zu tragen und damit auch die eigene Liebe ihm oder ihr gegenüber auszudrücken, sind unsere Mevisto-Schmuckstücke. Hierfür benötigen wir lediglich 10 Gramm Haar und aufgrund unserer engen Zusammenarbeit mit Goldschmieden können wir Ihnen in puncto Ausführung und Schliff jeden Sonderwunsch erfüllen – egal, ob Sie sich für einen Ring oder einen Edelstein samt Kette entscheiden.