9 facts about death
Stunning nature, personal achievements, family milestones—these are topics we love to discuss. Death, on the other hand, is generally not included. It stands in stark contrast to vibrant life and is therefore largely excluded from everyday conversations. It also carries a dark connotation, and we associate it with negative feelings related to farewell, pain, and mourning.
However, it makes sense to engage with the subject of death even during one's lifetime—the topic of advance planning can never be addressed too early. One reason is to plan one's own funeral to relieve the burden on loved ones. Another is to draft a will to determine what should happen to one's belongings after death. But beyond these important preparations, exploring the topic can be fascinating, as there are many interesting facts about death.
We have collected nine of them
Death by the Second
On average, two people die every second worldwide. For the small country of Austria, this means: On average, a death occurs every five minutes.
The good news: Every second, four children are also born worldwide. For Austria, this translates to: Every six minutes, a new citizen is born.
Bizarre Images
Death portraits and memorial cards are inseparably linked to our Western culture, typically using photos that show the deceased while still alive. In the 19th century, however, practices were different: Photography gradually replaced paintings and established itself as a quicker and more authentic way to preserve the memory of the deceased.
At that time, stillbirths and deaths among children were very common, and these post-mortem photographs often provided the only images of these family members. What's bizarre is that initially, these individuals were portrayed as lifelike as possible, complete with accessories such as toys or hair ornaments. It was only later that they were placed in open coffins and adorned with flowers.
Ghostly Sighs
When a person dies, their body can sometimes emit a short sigh or groan afterward. The reason? Air and gases remaining in the body can escape through the throat or nose, causing the vocal cords to vibrate. A chilling thought, isn't it?
Tiny Helpers
While we know insects are important for the garden, they also play a crucial role in solving murders. Forensic scientists can determine the time of death quite accurately based on the small insects that have gathered in and around a corpse and their developmental stages.
Blowflies are among the first insects to colonize a dead body. They soon lay eggs, which then grow into larvae. After two to three days, rove beetles appear, followed by flesh flies after a few weeks, and eventually, carrion beetles after several months.

Dead or Not Dead
One of the most bizarre facts about death is this: There are people who suffer from the painful and delusional belief that they are already dead, decaying at this moment, or nonexistent. This condition is known as Cotard's Syndrome, named after the French neurologist Jules Cotard. Those affected deny the existence of their soul, body, or organs, and the illness is often associated with mental disorders such as depression, psychosis, or schizophrenia.
Water Overdose
Water is life, so they say, and drinking enough is vital. However, it is actually possible to die from drinking too much water. The good news: Over the course of a day, a healthy adult can process up to 10 liters of water without any problems. But overwhelming the body with too much water in a short amount of time can overburden the kidneys and disrupt the salt balance.
Water intoxication, or hyponatremia, then leads to nausea, vomiting, concentration difficulties, dizziness, sweating, breathing difficulties, and extreme fatigue, all of which can ultimately be fatal.
From Human to Earth
The time it takes for a corpse to completely decompose depends significantly on the environment—primarily oxygen, water, and temperature. More oxygen accelerates decomposition, while heat speeds up the process, and cold slows it down.
The type of soil also plays a role: Clay soils slow down decomposition, whereas sandy and acidic soils accelerate it. Generally, in an earth grave, body tissues usually decompose within one to two years. Fingernails, hair, and tendons take about twice as long. And finally, bones decompose last.
Fragile Heart
The most common causes of death worldwide are cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, stroke, lung and respiratory diseases, neonatal outcomes, Alzheimer's and other types of dementia, diabetes, and kidney diseases. Particularly in developing countries, diarrheal diseases still frequently lead to death.
These are often caused by unhygienically prepared food or insufficient fluid intake and are associated with other ailments such as dysentery, cholera, or typhus. Among the most common unnatural causes of death are suicide and car accidents.
Until the Last Note
Researchers using EEG measurements have found that dying people can perceive auditory stimuli until the end, even if they no longer show any other reactions. In other words, we lose our sense of touch, smell, taste, and sight first, but can still hear sounds until the very end. This means that the comforting words that relatives often whisper to the dying until the very last moment indeed reach them.

Saying "thank you" to someone close to your heart
Even though we may try to avoid discussing it, death is undeniably a part of life. It not only provides intriguing facts but also serves as an inspiration. Consider famous songs like Eric Clapton’s “Tears in Heaven,” Bob Dylan’s “Knockin' on Heaven’s Door,” “Nur zu Besuch” by Die Toten Hosen, or “Der Weg” by Herbert Grönemeyer.
We at Mevisto are engaged daily with the topic of funeral planning and have the privilege of creating unique memorial pieces. These pieces continue to shine and guide the bereaved through life after the death of a loved one. This task fills us with pride, joy, and reverence.