Jewelry from Hair or Ash
We personalize and make your memories tangible. Discover the world of MEVISTO, a world of emotion.
Decide for yourself which of our products best suits you. Whether personalized gemstones or the Pearl with a Soul, with us you receive the most personal jewelry pieces in the world. MEVISTO jewelry made from the ashes of deceased people or soul animals provides strength as well as comfort and allows you to always have your loved ones with you.
Our Manufactory
ME = "Metamorphosis", VISTO = "make visible"
The MEVISTO gemstone manufactory is a family-owned business based in Kirchham, Upper Austria. Since 2013, MEVISTO has been personalizing beautiful gemstones from the hair or ashes of the deceased.
Years passed from the innovative idea through the elaborate development to a finished gemstone. The entire production process takes place exclusively in Kirchham at the MEVISTO facility. With the elegant DIY option "Pearl of the Soul," available since 2018, we bring personalization to your home.

How can memories be preserved?
Every moment is unique. Special moments deserve to be captured forever.
Create a very special memento with a necklace or ring made from the hair or ashes of the deceased.
Thanks to the method developed by MEVISTO, which is unique worldwide, it is possible to create sapphires or rubies from the elements found in the hair or ashes of humans or animals. Unlike traditional memorial diamonds (which contain only one element, namely carbon), the personalized gemstones from MEVISTO contain ten elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, titanium, and others within the gemstone structure – and this is scientifically confirmed! Not only is the incorporation of the elements into the atomic structure confirmed, but also the uniqueness of each MEVISTO gemstone produced.

The Special Aspect
Essentially, three color tones are available for your memorial stone (natural tone, red tone, or blue tone), although the exact shade cannot be influenced. The final color of your gemstone depends on the individual composition of the biogenic material provided.
These unique colors reflect the individual character and uniqueness of the person who is immortalized in this special memorial stone.
Color tones for your memorial stone
Mevisto wurde mir von Naturbestattung Zadrobilek empfohlen und fand die Idee eines Anhängers wunderschön. Gestern habe ich viel früher als erwartet, „meinen“ Stein bekommen. Er ist wirklich etwas besonderes, genauso wie es mein Mann war. Vielen Dank für eure Arbeit, die soviel mehr bedeutet, als Worte es jemals sagen können.